






MX record of Google cannot be deleted even after the user dropping apps?

My domain is ,and  I once was a user of Google Apps. Absolutely, it’s a wonderful program. But ,when i’m leaving to another service, the google MX record cannot be deleted.
use the command “nslookup -qt=mx”, I can see the record of “20”. Even the reseting the MX to default in Godaddy domain control pannel is useless.
I wonder if it’s a bug or par of service of google apps? I need your help, thanks a lot.
Looking forward to your reply.



过了几个小时,貌似是版主的一位名叫 LMckin51朋友回复了我:


 I just did a Dns lookup on your domain and i do not see any Google Apps mx records  once you delete your Google apps records it takes 48 hrs for it update the changed on the internet  so if you check your domain mx records right after you made the change then you would still see the Google apps mx records on the hookup because it haven`t had enough time to update


我只好Thank you all  the same了……

Thank you so much, LMckin51.
48 hours have already passed, but i am still waiting and waiting.




 You will need to sign into your and then remove the Google mx records and if you still having trouble contact your domain support ask them to delete it.
only you or your domain/or webhost support can remove the mx records.  also check on your domain host see if they have a way to reset everything back to the default mx records  the default mx records are the mx records that was on there when you purchase the domain.


Dear sir or madam,
 I did follow you instructions for managing and resetting my mx record. But the problem still remains. The screenshot of my MX setting is enclosed in this email, I have been deleted all of them. While, the record forward to Google is still can be seen by using the command of “nslookup -qt=mx”.

Thanks a lot, and looking forward your replay. 



Dear Mark Sun,

Thank you for contacting Online Support. 

You may edit your MX records through the Domain Manager.  You may either change them manually, or reset them to the default settings, which point to our email servers.

You can easily manage your DNS using the Domain Manager.

To Manage Your DNS
Log in to your Account Manager.
In the My Products section, click Domain Manager.
Click the domain name for which you want to access the Total DNS Control.
In the Total DNS section, click Total DNS Control.
Depending on the current mode, you can click one of the following:
Wizard Mode
Uses a wizard to guide you through the process of modifying records.
Advanced Mode
Allows you to directly edit fields on the page.
NOTE: Only one mode displays at a time, depending on which mode you are currently using.
Under Manage Subdomains, you can create and manage subdomains that are forwarded to another URL in your account. Under Total DNS Control, you can modify the zone file (A, CNAME, and MX records) for your domain.
You can restore the default settings and start over. Restoring changes your zone record to our default settings and deletes additional zone records.
NOTE: You cannot reset A (Host) records.
To Restore Your Default Zone Records
Log in to your Account Manager.
In the My Products section, click Domain Manager.
Click the domain you want to modify.
In the Total DNS section, click Total DNS Control.
Click Reset to Default Settings for the record you want to reset.
Please let us know if we can assist you in any other way.

Matt P.
Online Support Team



Dear sir or madam,

I did follow you instructions for managing and resetting my mx record. But  the problem still remains. The screenshot of my MX setting is enclosed in his email, I have been deleted all of them. While, the record forward to google is still can be seen by using the command of “nslookup -qt=mx”.

Thanks a lot, and looking forward your replay.




Dear Mark Sun,

Thank you for your reply. Unfortunately there was an issue with your domain’s DNS. This has been corrected today, but please allow 24-48 hours for this update to completely propagate. I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. 
Please let us know if we can assist you in any other way.


Stan P.
Online Support Team




  1. 无论是Google还是Godaddy,还有QQ,都将客服过程结合了邮箱服务。不同的是,Godaddy可以主要靠邮箱进行与客服之间的交流。这便于保护隐私,比直接张贴到论坛或者客服系统的页面中要便捷一些;
  2. QQ客服提问之后,如果要“加急”的话,要选择城市。我就不明白了,同样是咨询/求助信函,为什么要区别加急和普通问题?为什么要选择城市,我选哈尔滨,难道就会比选北京的回复速度慢么?腾讯向来喜欢制造等级差异,这是最为令我反感的地方;
  3. 从回复速度来看,Google的最自由,Godady最迅速——他们会先发来一封信,说一个小时内受理提问,24小时之内做出回答,我的问题都是在4个小时之内回答的。而QQ客服,答复时间大约为三个小时。要知道,Godaddy的客户群可是遍布世界,难道QQ的工作量远远大于Godady,导致其客服回复速度有慢之而无不及?
  4. QQ客服进行回答问题的时候,有时候需要账户密码,我觉得这样做非常不安全;
  5. 只要用户认为问题还没有解决,可以用Google支持论坛,也可以随时给Godaddy的客服邮箱回复邮件。但QQ客服就硬起得多了,客服认为搞定的问题,我压根就没找到提问的链接。也就是说,即使这个问题我还没有咨询完成,也得关闭当前帖子,另开一篇问答了。
  6. 最后要说的是,咱和美国客服可是有时差的,即便如此,在非工作时间,Godaddy也会照例快速地给我解决问题,而咱们的QQ,可是让我等了好多个小时啊!这种办事效率,唉,果然要和公务人员看齐了。



Update 2010.4.7——清晨起来,发现解析生效,@10kn.com邮箱终于和QQ绑定了,很好很强大~





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最近一段时间,我巴不得每天能有30个小时,而且已经有很多天没有上网,更别说更新博客啦。 不过,今天当我查看Email的 ...


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4 条评论

  1. Great write-up, I am regular visitor of one’s blog, maintain up the excellent operate, and It is going to be a regular visitor for a lengthy time.

  2. 邮箱感觉还是qq的好用,真的非常好用

  3. @moonlab 嗯,也是没办法的事情,毕竟还是国内服务比较方便的

  4. 看来大家都投到QQ环抱了,我一个主域名也绑定到QQ了

